Find out what Hanson was up to between 1992-1996. If a picture is linked, it will bring you to more pictures from that event. Hover your mouse over each photo for credits. Am I missing something? Please, let me know. Enjoy.
1992 | Then called "The Hanson Brothers," Hanson had their debut 30-minute acoustic performance at Mayfest in Tulsa, Oklahoma. |
1993 | The guys changed their name to Hanson and began to take piano lessons with Donald Ryan and dance lessons with Ja'marc Davis, the founder of the band Raze. |
March 1994 | Hanson attended the last day of the South x Southwest music festival in Texas where they met and sang a cappella for Christopher Sabec, an entertainment lawyer who then represented the Dave Matthews Band. |
Fall 1994 |
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18 June 1994 | Hanson performed at the Big Splash water park in Tulsa, Oklahoma. |
September 1995 | Hanson filmed a Dr Pepper commercial and were selected and flown to Los Angeles, but the commercial was eventually scrapped and never made it on air. |
late 1995 |
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1996 | Hanson performed at Mayfest in Tulsa, Oklahoma and made copies of MMMBop for sale for the first time. |
April 1996 | Hanson performed at a local festival in Coffeyville, Kansas. It was at this performance that an A&R representative from Mercury Records, Steve Greenberg, visited to see Hanson perform. |
Summer 1996 |
The Hanson family visited the Redwood State Park in California where Isaac made a "documentary" about their visit that can be seen in their video, Tulsa, Tokyo, & The Middle of Nowhere. |
July-November 1996 | The entire Hanson family moved to Los Angeles, California where Hanson recorded their debut album, Middle of Nowhere. |