Sydney, Australia
26 May 2005

NATHAN: We've got the boys here. We've got Isaac, we've got Zac, and we've got Taylor, and they are Hanson. Here they are, "Lost Without Each Other!"


JASON: Oh yeah, it's "Lost Without Each Other," Hanson, kicking us off in style!

NATHAN: Goodness gracious, how entertaining was that, people? My word, I've never seen legs move so quickly when behind a piano, Taylor going berserk here on TRL! Now they are going to play another song before the end of the show and they are going to answer some of your questions, so give us a buzz. 1900 959 333.


MAZ: Welcome back to TRL. They don't need any introduction. I'm sitting here with Hanson. Welcome to TRL guys. The audience are excited that you're here. Taylor, Zac, and Isaac, give them a round of applause please. What are you guys doing?! We've had people, like, bombarding and sleeping outside our studios to actually be here today, just to meet you guys.

ZAC: That doesn't happen everyday?

MAZ: Well, with Hanson aren't on our show every single day. We'd love that to happen but it doesn't happen every single day.

ISAAC: We'll try and help you out.

ZAC: I'd sleep outside to see you.

MAZ: Can you guys just stick around for the next couple of weeks so our audience ratings go up a bit?

TAYLOR: Absolutely. We would be glad to.

ZAC: If you guys'll keep coming back!

MAZ: I think they will. Now you guys are on basically the last leg of your world tour. How's that been going?

TAYLOR: Well, it's been great. This is our first full Australian tour after eight years of coming back to Australia. This is our fourth time to be here but it's really our first full tour so that's pretty exciting.

MAZ: So you're going to cities in Australia that you haven't actually visited before?

TAYLOR: Yes, we've never been to Perth. We were just in Brisbane; we were there five years ago. But we're going to places all over.

ISAAC: Never been to Gold Coast or Adelaide, so there's a lot of different places we're playing.

TAYLOR: And, of course, the Australian fans are, as always, amazing.

MAZ: They're your favorites?

TAYLOR: They really are great, and they're traveling all over the country. I mean, there are so many fans that are like, "Hey, I'm coming to every show!"

MAZ: Yeah, I've heard that there are literally a group of girls that literally follow you around the country.

ZAC: I think it's just an example of Australia is a young, vibrant country and the fans are sort of the same way in the sense that they're into it.

TAYLOR: Young and vibrant!

MAZ: You should be a politician! I really liked that!

ZAC: They're young and vibrant! Vote for me!

TAYLOR: Everywhere else they're very old…

MAZ: Hanson for Prime Minister, yeah!

ZAC: Yes, we're actually running together. All three of us for one office!

ISAAC: That would be really weird.

MAZ: It could be quite strange. So how was the vibe in Brisbane, since you've already played a couple of gigs so far?

TAYLOR: Brisbane was great, it was kind of the first show of this whole run of shows. It was actually awesome.

MAZ: Well, that's good. We have so many fans of yours that want to chat to you on the phone and via email, so we got to throw to a song and you're sticking around.


MAZ: I'm here with Hanson; they don't really need an introduction. They don't follow trends, they just make trends. We've got Alex from Bardon on the phone, Alex, how you doing?

ALEX: I'm great, thanks, how are you?

MAZ: Are you excited that Hanson is here? Can you scream like a nutty fan for me?

ZAC: Don't do it! Don't do it!

MAZ: What's your question for Hanson?

ALEX: My question - by the way, I went to your Brisbane show, it was awesome. It was so hot, I loved it.

MAZ: Oh thanks! Oh… *laughs*

TAYLOR: She had a really great show!

MAZ: I was great! What's your question, babe?

ALEX: Okay, my question. What's your guy's favorite song on the new album and why?

ISAAC: Okay, well I'm gonna hit one and I guess if you guys have one you can throw it in. "Dancing In The Wind" is really, really fun. It's a great song to play live, it's got a lot of energy, it's very, very rock.

TAYLOR: It's very much a live… yeah, it's all about…

ISAAC: And also, the latest single, "Lost Without Each Other," too.

ALEX: Oh, I love it.

ZAC: I was actually going to say "Strong Enough To Break" is… that's going to be the new single and that's the song that opens up the album and it was a really important song because of the mood it puts you in when you turn on the record. So, you choose a different one every time but right now that's definitely one I'm enjoying.

MAZ: Thanks for your call, Alex. And I'd keep watching cos I have a feeling that they may be performing that very song later in the show. But I didn't say anything, I didn't say a word. We have one more quick question, this has come via our website from Ray. It says, "If you were guaranteed a #1 album but there was a catch - for example, you had to dress up in chicken costumes in your next video - would you do it?"

ZAC: No.

TAYLOR: I would dress up in a gorilla costume, but not a chicken costume.

MAZ: What would your animal costume of preference be?

ISAAC: Well I might not do it to get a #1 record but I might actually think it'd be funny to do it.

MAZ: Just for a giggle!

ZAC: Personally, I think anyone who dresses up in costumes, vegetables, animals…

MAZ: Good Charlotte!

ZAC: …protein, whatever it is - you're making yourself look like an ass.

TAYLOR: Can we say that on TV?

MAZ: You just did and it's worked so we can't really take it back! Stick around; we're going to talk to Hanson a little later.


MAZ: We're back with Hanson. They didn't go anywhere yet, thank the Lord for that. Another one of your fans, Robin is on the line. Robin, what's your question for Hanson?

ROBIN: Hi guys, how are you?

ZAC: Doing good.

ISAAC: Doing good.

ROBIN: That's good. I'm really looking forward to when you come down to Melbourne, it's gonna be fantastic. My question is, what are you guys looking forward to doing in Australia on your days off?

MAZ: Do you get days off?

TAYLOR: Well we usually don't, actually, which is unfortunate cos we get to travel so much. It's such an awesome thing about traveling and being in a band but you don't get to see as much. I have to say though; I have a real hankering to surf. We haven't surfed in probably a couple years cos we've just been touring, so, if we have time. I'll go kill myself on Banda.

ISAAC: One of the things we're looking forward to doing is recording the live record, which we'll be doing. So. That's going to be in Melbourne, though.

ZAC: A live record we'll be recording in Melbourne while we're here, so. That'll be awesome.

ROBIN: Oh, that's good. I was wondering when that was going to happen.

TAYLOR: Yeah, if you want to come watch me die you can come down to the beach.

ZAC: Yeah, the beach to watch him surf. Don't die, we need him for the live record, then he can die. We can do the Tupac thing, we can keep selling records.

MAZ: And then he can come back! Robin, thanks for your question. On the surfing things, you guys should maybe come back in the summer cos it is kind of winter over here now.

TAYLOR: No, but it's good though, it's probably good that it's down. Cos we don't want the whole pipeline…

MAZ: I was just talking about the whole temperature thing. You might freeze.

TAYLOR: Oh no, we've surfed in California in this arctic water there. You literally cannot swim without a wetsuit or you have hypothermia, it's pretty much that bad.

MAZ: Okay, well good luck with the surfing. Well, anyway. Nathan's in the crowd with an audience member who has a question for you.

NATHAN: Yes, I most certainly do. I'm sitting here with Helen. Helen, what is your question for the Hanson boys?

HELEN: First of all, I think you guys are amazing and I've loved you since forever. But, what's the craziest thing that you've done on tour?

TAYLOR: First of all, "forever" is a really long time; you look really good for your age. And the craziest thing we've done on tour? I don't know, we've done, like, between bus water fights, which is on old videos and stuff… hurling stuff across busses at 80 miles per hour. I don't know, I guess throwing other things out of the windows?

ZAC: While we were in Mexico on our last tour, I climbed up like 60 feet into the rafters over the fans…

TAYLOR: And of course the rafters were going like this [sways hands from side to side].

ZAC: I weigh that much! So that was pretty cool.

MAZ: Did you show everyone your bottom if you were up that high?

TAYLOR: No, cos he had… he had pants on. It's not the first thing that we think of, like, "Oh, we're up here, let's take our pants off!"

ZAC: Hanging 60 feet from the rafters, let's drop my pants!

MAZ: That would have been the Aussie spirit; I'm letting you know that right now.

ISAAC: We're getting cheers for dropping your pants.

ZAC: Oh, guys, come on. Please.


NATHAN: It's called tequila. That's what happens in Mexico. That's why you take all your clothes off.


JASON: Yes, welcome back to TRL. It's Thursday, we're hanging out with special guests Hanson. Boys, having fun?

TAYLOR: We are.

ISAAC: Having a good time.

JASON: Taking your calls. Simone's called up, Simone how you doing? Meet Hanson!

TAYLOR: Hey Simone, how you doing?

ZAC: Hello Simone!

SIMONE: Hello! I can't believe I'm talking to you!

TAYLOR: We can't believe we're talking to you, we were just saying that we're such big fans of you.

JASON: They're raving about you Simone!

ZAC: I love everything you've ever done.

SIMONE: I love you too!

TAYLOR: What was your question?

SIMONE: Okay, I'm coming to the Melbourne concert and my first exam starts the day after the concert, so I'm wondering… how can I remember all my information?

TAYLOR: Wow! Well, this is very easy…

ISAAC: You could cheat! No, that wouldn't be a good idea.

ZAC: I think you need to relate it somehow to Hanson music! Start playing Hanson music in the background while you're studying and then, as we're playing those songs, it will bring back the memories of the right answers.

TAYLOR: Exactly. And/or you could just put study tapes in.

ZAC: Or, you could find out all the wrong answers and play them to some other band's music, and then when we play it won't bring that up!

TAYLOR: This is complicated!

JASON: Thanks Simone.

TAYLOR: Cross your fingers and hope you don't screw up!

JASON: She's coming to your concert, man, she's gonna be … (?) …

TAYLOR: Yeah, man, good luck.

JASON: Nathan's in the crowd, he's got a question for you guys.

NATHAN: Alright, I'm sitting here with Susie. Susie, what is your question for the Hanson brothers?

SUSIE: Well, first I love you guys so much and I love Zac the most!

NATHAN: There cannot be favorites, what about the other two, they're sitting there feeling so left out?

TAYLOR: We're feeling so sad.

SUSIE: I love them too, but I love Zac the most.

TAYLOR: That's okay.

SUSIE: But I was gonna say, what's the weirdest thing a fan has ever done, like have they proposed to you and stuff?

ZAC: That's definitely happened quite a few times.

ISAAC: It's not really serious; it doesn't count unless they got a ring. And then, if they got a ring, I'm impressed. I'm like, "Wow, how much did that cost?"

TAYLOR: But then you have to give them the ring.

ISAAC: Yeah, exactly, so then that's weird.

TAYLOR: A lot of weird things. I don't know, it's hard to begin. For us, stuff is less weird because it happens all the time I guess. But like fans traveling to foreign countries all around the world, like people that are from Ohio that show up in Indonesia is kind of crazy.

ZAC: It's not really weird…

TAYLOR: No, but it's just sort of like, "Hi, how's it going? Why are you here?"

ZAC: "Hi, are you on vacation?"

TAYLOR: No, but going that far. I think sometimes we've had people write - do these scrolls that are literally this [motions with hands] this big…

ISAAC: We talk about them a lot.

TAYLOR: They're like two miles long and just say, "I love you."

ZAC: It's not as crazy as it is kind of cool.

ISAAC: Yeah, but I couldn't recommend doing that, cos that's a lot of…

ZAC: Or you might get tendentious.

NATHAN: That is love. That is just love. Your fans love you. Absolutely love them! Thank you! Don't you? *applause* Oh, you got to love them more than that! *more applause*


JASON: We're hanging out with the guys from Hanson. They're in the house on TRL. Nathan's in the crowd with our audience and he's got someone who wants to ask the boys a question.

NATHAN: Yes, I most certainly do. I've got Kelly and Krystal with a joint question. Hit me up, I like it.

KELLY: Yes, well me and Krystal came from Adelaide and we're going all across the shop to come and see you guys and we're just wondering if you guys have ever traveled to see a band before.


ZAC: Ah, yes, we have. Traveling to see, like, U2. Definitely done that a couple times.

NATHAN: How far?

ISAAC: How far? 300 miles.

ZAC: Not bad. Four hours in a car.

NATHAN: Think Adelaide to Sydney, man, that's like three days.

ZAC: Well, I think that we're gonna go see Les Paul, how far is that? That's like a five hour flight from Oklahoma.

TAYLOR: We pale in comparison to all of you guys, you're really seriously amazing, that's really cool. And I didn't mean anything by the Indonesia thing; I was just trying to give an example of sometimes… well, nevermind.

ZAC: You guys are great. Indonesia is weird. No, wait! Oh, gah! Ah!

NATHAN: No, we know, we just joshing with you. How happy are we that Hanson is here? They're going to play one more song later in the show, which we are all very much looking forward to.


JASON: Yes, welcome back to Total Request Live, live around Australia on MTV. I'm hanging out with the guys from Hanson!

ZAC: Yes you are!

JASON: Now guys, what do you think of Krispy Kreme donuts?

ISAAC: Krispy Kreme's are very sweet. Very donuty.

ZAC: High sugar content. I think they're incredible

TAYLOR: They're unbelievable.

ZAC: They must be evil, they are that good.

JASON: Just want to let you know, you're playing tomorrow night at Penrith Evan Theatre, the 27th, and it was actually the first Krispy Kreme store in Australia and it is massive. It is like, two stories, 24 hour drive-thru, so while you're out there just get some donuts before the show.

ISAAC: We'll grow to enormous size.

JASON: That's from me to you.

TAYLOR: Thank you, we appreciate that. We'll just be eating donuts all day long tomorrow, on a sugar high.

ZAC: You're passing along the info, I appreciate that.

JASON: I'm just letting you know the local goss. Alright, we've got Nathan in the crowd hanging out with some fans. Nathan?

NATHAN: Yeah, thanks for that and hopefully we've got Krispy Kreme donuts delivered to the studio everyday for the next year after that. I'm here with Amanda who has a question, Amanda.

AMANDA: Hi guys. I was wondering, if you were pigeons, who would you poo on and why?

TAYLOR: Are you okay? Do you frequently poo on people?

AMANDA: No, but if you're pigeons… if you're birds…

TAYLOR: I'm sorry, you're like, "I thought here and thought of this question and now you're making fun of me."

ISAAC: I'm actually just curious how they fly and do that, cos that seems complicated.

ZAC: It's like a dive bomb…

ISAAC: …cos we as humans have to sit down, you know what I mean?

JASON: So on the down wing they go…

ISAAC: They get to high altitude and then they're like, "errr…." Plop! Plop!

TAYLOR: Who would we poo on? I'll think about that.

ISAAC: Our old A&R guy.


NATHAN: Now, I'm excited cos Taylor from Hanson has an acoustic in his hands.

JASON: He does.

MAZ: We've got to thank your studio audience for being amazing today, everyone that called in. Got to thank Hanson. If you don't have their album it's called Underneath and it is incredible, so many sure you go and buy a copy. But we've got time for one more performance and I think that's an exciting thing.

JASON: Yes it is, thanks to everybody who called up --

MAZ: I already said that, can you just introduce them and let them play Jason? For goodness sake, it's Hanson!

JASON: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Hanson live on TRL.


transcript © THD