92.9 Hot 30 Countdown
Perth, Australia
08 April 2005
TIM: Now when you come over to Perth, it's happening June 1, what can we expect from a Hanson live concert?
TAYLOR: Just a whole lot of music. I mean we're - we play all our music all, from all our records, and we go back to the beginning and play brand new stuff. You know, we also just throw in, you know, covers of stuff that we like, you know everything from -
TIM: Really?
TAYLOR: AC/DC to, you know, ah, U2…
TIM: Any Spice Girls? Any Spice Girls you might play?
TAYLOR: You know... Spice Girls is not usually on our repertoire. It's hard to play Spice Girls music without a backup tape.
TIM: I'll tell you what Taylor. I've gotta play a song, but people of Perth - if you wanna ask Taylor a question give us a call right now... 13 10 60. Do you have any shame man? Like, will you answer any question?
TAYLOR: No, I definitely will not answer any question.
TIM: Okay, so I reckon call 13 10 60 and see if you can stump Taylor from Hanson there. Just stay on the phone a sec. I'm gonna play Kylie Minogue, "Made Of Glass," #26 from your votes. Hot 30 countdown, 92.9.
TIM: Later on in the show we've got Evermore, they're a band of brothers... you know another band of brothers? Who, who might they be? And I've actually got one of the guys on line right now.
TIM'S BROTHER: Umm... is it Hanson?
TIM: Ah, yeah. Taylor from Hanson. Thanks for waiting on hold man.
TAYLOR: Hey man, how are you?
TIM: Something tells me you were shaking your ass to Kylie Minogue's new song there, weren't you?
TAYLOR: Oh, of course! You have to when you listen to Kylie Minogue.
TIM: This -
TAYLOR: You know you guys have quite a banter going on. I think you should keep this going. You know, the two brother thing...
TIM: You reckon? Don't tell him that man, his head will become so big. Well, I tell you what, we've got some listeners on the line willing to ask you some questions. The first one is Megan. Megan, say "hello" to Taylor from Hanson.
TAYLOR: Hey Megan, how are you?
MEGAN: I'm good, how are you?
TAYLOR: I'm good. What was your question?
MEGAN: What's the biggest fight you've ever had with Ike and Zac?
TAYLOR: Biggest fight we've ever had... they asked you to ask that question, didn't they?
MEGAN: Yes...
TIM: HEY! You're revealing the secrets of radio! Shut up both of you!
TAYLOR: You know... the biggest fight we've ever had... it was probably... God, I mean there was one time that we were on the road, and we were going between radio shows and somebody... it was a question of who was gonna drive I think... this, this car, and somebody got really pissed and they pretty much went to blows, so... I mean there you go. Guys and cars, what can you say?
TIM: But for some reason I don't think Taylor is going to tell us about the time when he lit the pubic hairs of Isaac alight.
TAYLOR: Okay, THAT is just beyond wrong, my friend.
TIM: I know, it's true though. Next person is Bianca, she's a huge fan. Bianca, say "Hi" to Taylor.
BIANCA: Oh my God, hello Taylor. How are you?
TAYLOR: I'm really good. How are you Bianca?
BIANCA: Good thanks. Okay. I can't believe this. I just wanted to know that when you go to the different states... when you come to Perth and stuff...
*Taylor's phone starts beeping*
TIM: Hang on a sec, some guy's gonna say something to us -
*this call is scheduled to be disconnected in five minutes...*
TIM: Don't you just - SHUT UP! Don't you just love live radio? Okay, Bianca, ask the question again.
BIANCA: Okay, Taylor I just wanna know like, when you come to Perth, or Melbourne or wherever you go, when you first get here do you just chill out in your hotel room or do you go check out the sights and prepare yourself for the big gigs and stuff?
TIM: Hello Taylor? Taylor?
BIANCA: Taylor's left me!
TIM: You know what Bianca?
TIM: I think you lost Taylor. I think you did something wrong and Taylor's gone now.
BIANCA: Hey, it's true love. Taylor loves me; he's coming to get me.
TIM: I can't believe this has happened. This is live radio for ya. It's the Hot 30 Countdown on 92.9... One last time, Taylor, are you there? Taylor? Bianca?
TIM: I'm blaming you for getting rid of Taylor.
BIANCA: You can't blame me! I've waited eight years to speak to him and I finally did. I'm happy.
TIM: Well he didn't really answer your question. Thanks for nothing!
BIANCA: Oh no...
TIM: Are you still on the line man?
TIM: Okay, I'll tell you what. We're gonna cross to him live next. He's live in Germany at the moment. Getting a bit cranky as well. We'll get to the bottom of it next.
TIM'S BROTHER: I've got a cold and I've given it to Mum as well...
TIM: Whine, whine. You almost sound as whiny as Taylor from Hanson actually.
TIM: Now before when he disappeared, did I press any wrong buttons there?
TIM'S BROTHER: No, I don't think you did. I think he was being a...
TIM: Oh wait, shh shh - we've got him on the line again okay. Now he can hear us. Taylor from Hanson, this is your next question from Bianca...
BIANCA: Okay. Hey Taylor, it's Bianca again.
TAYLOR: Hey...
BIANCA: I just wanna know like when you go to the different states like Perth and that, when you first get here do you just like chill out in your hotel room, or do you like go to check out the sights of Perth or whatever?
TAYLOR: Well, for instance, I've never been to Perth, so maybe give me some tips...
BIANCA: Maybe you could get some ideas...
TAYLOR: Yes, I know. Well, if I had the energy, which a lot of times you're completely wiped, but if you do, you want to go out and explore. You know we've toured all over the world with this record, um, so whenever you're in a place that's of any interest you go out there and check it out.
BIANCA: Okay cool. Yeah, that's cool.
TIM: Ok there's Bianca's question answered. The next one is from Steph from Duncraig. Taylor?
TAYLOR: Hey Steph, how are you?
STEPH: I'm good! How are you?
TAYLOR: Good, what was your question?
STEPH: I have two...
TIM: No, no, you've only got one question. Come on.
STEPH: Okay. What are your favorite bands, apart from yourselves. And what style of music do you like to listen to?
TAYLOR: Thank you! That's a good question. I actually heard that they were mentioning the band Evermore, and I wanted to say that I heard the record very recently and I actually think they're a great band. And I realized they were brothers after I listened to it, it was kind of random the three brother thing too, but I think they're great. I really like the group called VAST. A guy named Ben Kweller who's a friend of mine; he's just made a great record recently. Let me see, some other stuff... I think Keane's new record has been really cool -
TIM: I think you're just plugging all your friends now, aren't you Taylor?
TIM: Like, "go out and buy my friends' records."
TAYLOR: A couple of them. But you know, sometimes you know, there's been a lot of situations where you meet people, ah as musicians then become friends, so that's always a cool thing. I think there's a lot of great music out there right now.
TIM: There you go Steph, there's your question answered.
STEPH: Thank you!
TIM: The last one is form Isabelle. Isabelle - Taylor, Taylor - Isabelle.
ISABELLE: Hey Taylor, how are you going?
TAYLOR: Hello. Doing well, what's your question?
ISABELLE: My question is - who made up the words to "MMMBop" and what does it mean?
TAYLOR: Well, one thing about "MMMBop" is that there's a lot of lyrics in there that people don't know, people don't even really... you know -
ISABELLE: Yeah, cos you just like mumble along to it when it comes on the radio...
TAYLOR: Well the verses, the verses are quite - but "MMMBop." It was originally, it was kind of inspired by classic 50s du-wop music, I mean it was a background part that we were writing for another song, and then... they're - those lyrics for the chorus, I mean obviously they're not sensical, but -
TAYLOR: It sort of talks about - the song talks about life, kind of flittering by. Going by quickly. "MMMBop" is sort of like, "hey, you know, you can't change it, you might as well kind of..."
ISABELLE: Kind of like "Hakuna Matata?"
TAYLOR: "...make the most of what you can." What's that?
ISABELLE: Kind of like "Hakuna Matata?"
TAYLOR: It's definitely a little bit like "Hakuna Matata."
TIM: See I reckon... Yeah, I kind of agree with a little bit of that. You wrote the song, so I can't really disagree too much. But how deep can the lyrics of a song that goes "MMMBop, op diptidu wah dop, dip di da di da do..."
TAYLOR: Well, the first line of the song is "You have so many relationships in this life / Only one or two will last / You go through all the pain and strife / Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast."
TIM: Oh so basically, you're a modern-day Bob Dylan are you?
TAYLOR: Well, I'm just telling you what the lyrics are, that's what they say.
TIM: See, I actually heard the lyrics were about your strong long-term addiction to crack cocaine.
TAYLOR: What's that?
TIM: You heard exactly what I said. The song was about your long-term addiction to crack cocaine.
*engaged signal*
TIM'S BROTHER: Is he gone?
TIM: Taylor from Hanson just... hung up.
TIM'S BROTHER: Did he hang up or what?
TIM: Yeah, he's gone! Should I have asked the question about the crack cocaine?
TIM'S BROTHER: I dunno. I reckon it was worth it.
TIM: Oh my God. You just heard it live on the 92.9 Countdown. I pissed off Taylor Hanson.
TIM: We don't need Hanson anyway. Listen, they're coming to town, June 1. At the Burswood Dome. Oh my God. This is Tamara at #24...
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