Official Chart Show
London, England
22 January 2005
WES: Next up on Radio 1 please welcome Isaac, Taylor, and Zac, all Hanson everyone!
TAYLOR: Hey, how's it going?
ZAC: There's like 2 people in the studio clapping.
WES: That's quite embarrassing. Well look behind you, there's so many fans out there!
ISAAC: There's so many. There are.
ZAC: Oh wow, there's SO many. That's like, what, four?
WES: Now you were over here in November doing your mini-tour but apart from that we've not heard of you guys for years.
TAYLOR: We came to the UK to do an acoustic show at the end of last year to sort of begin giving the fans something special. We did an acoustic tour really all over the world as we began to set up the record. But yeah, in the last, gosh, it's almost been 5 years. Basically we've been recording this record obviously but also there were some big changes. We started our own record company, we left our old label, and just setting that up, producing this record, we collaborated with a lot of people on the record and it definitely wasn't our choice to say, "hey, we want to wait for years" but the combination of all those things put together ended up leaving more time in between. And then once we got the record done, the record company started up, we said, "you know, we need to sort of do this right and take it slow" and really go through and do the acoustic tour and let that be the first way that we come and play music.
WES: Listen, I've got loads of questions from your website actually, we put a little message on your message board on your website saying "email in and we'll ask the questions." Nikki, aged 15: "I remember all of you having long hair. I personally prefer it short. Which way to do you prefer?" Obviously short.
TAYLOR: Well it doesn't really matter to us, it's hair. It'll grow out, sometimes you cut it short, it just depends I guess on what you feel.
ISAAC: I have to say, short hair is actually more maintenance than long hair.
TAYLOR: When it's long, like my hair's actually pretty long now, you just like pull it back and tie it up and don't think about it.
ISAAC: Exactly. I mean, I have to say, like Tay said, you know, whatever. It's hair.
TAYLOR: It's hair.
WES: It's hair. Amanda goes, "out of the songs recorded, which one means the most to you?"
ISAAC: Man. One of my favorites that we've recorded is a song called "A Song To Sing" that was off of our second album. It was the last song on that record. I really am fond of that song. For sure.
ZAC: I don't think you have a favorite but I think one of the songs that sort of represents sort of the sound of this new album and where we've gone with the new album Underneath is the song "Broken Angel." Just the production behind it and the way that we produced it. That's a song that sort of… it encapsulates where we are many right now as a band musically.
WES: Heidi (note: that would be me, your webmaster) goes, "what have you guys been listening to on your iPods lately?"
TAYLOR: A little bit of everything. I'm always bouncing back to old classics, I mean listening to like, The Cars and The Beach Boys Pet Sounds album and that kind of stuff, but new music: a band called Muse, which you guys of course know. It's funny cos I get used to saying that cos in the states they haven't had that much success, but I love their latest record. And a band called VAST.
WES: You've very kindly signed a copy of your brand new album, got it here. Underneath. We're gonna give it away. And also a DVD. All you have to do if you want to win all this lot from Hanson is…
TAYLOR: Answer this question! What is…
ZAC: What does 3CG Records stand for?
TAYLOR: That's the name of our record company. What does 3CG Records stand for?
ISAAC: I'll give you a clue. It comes from an independent album that we re-released in 1997. *oooh*
ZAC: Ooh god!
TAYLOR: Okay, they have to be a real fan to know that.
WES: Well you can cheat, go on the internet and cheat.
ISAAC: Exactly.
WES: Alright, if you want to win that lot you have to call this number. 08700100100. 08700100100. Hanson! Hang around there…
ZAC: Okay. We'll be right here.
WES: And we'll chat some more later and we'll play the brand new single as well later on.
ISAAC: Absolutely.
ZAC: Sounds good to me.
WES: Back with Hanson now! Thank you so much for hanging around.
ZAC: No problem.
WES: Did you make any backstage demands here?
TAYLOR: Yeah, we asked for only black M&Ms.
WES: Black M&Ms?
ZAC: They don't even make those.
TAYLOR: Yes. We asked them to color the M&Ms and to bring us stacks…
ZAC: Have you heard you can actually customize M&Ms to say something? You can go on their website and order custom… instead of it saying "M&M" it can say like, whatever you want. We ordered them to just say "HANSON ROCKS" and they had to be here.
WES: M&M&M Bop. *laughs*
ZAC: Or that.
ISAAC: Or that.
WES: Alright, forget it. Loads of people have been entering this competition to win this DVD MP3 player and a copy of the new album signed. What's the question again?
TAYLOR: The question is, we have a record company and it's name is 3CG Records. What does 3CG Records stand for? That's the question. What does 3CG Records stand for?
ISAAC: Here's the clue: it comes from an independent re-release that we released in 1997. So check the internet or something, I don't know.
TAYLOR: See if you can figure it out.
WES: There are lines free. Call up this number: 08700100100 if you know the answer. So, new album, which we have here signed to give away, that's out two weeks-two weeks tomorrow.
TAYLOR: Comes out February 7th, yeah.
WES: It's called…
ZAC: Underneath.
WES: Underneath.
ZAC: Yes, Underneath what?
WES: Underneath what?
TAYLOR: Yeah, the album's called Underneath. It's our third record and a long time coming too, it's been 5 years since the last record.
WES: Would you say it's more mature? It might sound like a strange question…
TAYLOR: Well I think that's like sort of an easy thing to say, is it just more mature?
WES: Alright, criticize my questions why don't you.
TAYLOR: Well, we're obviously older so it's more mature in that sense. I mean, you're writing about different things I guess but I think the biggest thing that's different is not as much the subject matter, cos we've always written about just life and everything around you but I think it's more the ability to fully achieve the things in your head when you're writing a song or when you're creating it and that's why we produced the record and that's why we chose to collaborate with some really cool people. Matthew Sweet is a really cool singer/songwriter; we wrote "Underneath," the title track with him. There's just a lot of music and a lot of things invested by all three of us into this music.
WES: Isaac, Taylor, Zac, Hanson. We're going to leave it there.
TAYLOR: Thanks.
WES: Thanks for coming in. thanks for coming around, and we'll play it now. this is your brand new isngle out tomorrow. "Penny & Me" on Radio 1.
typed up by © Heidi (me)