New York, New York
15 September 2004ZAC: Welcome to our crib. I'm Zac Hanson.
ISAAC: I'm Isaac Hanson.
ZAC: Come on in. This is the living room. My favorite feature of this room is just the big couch. You got a nice fireplace. It gets pretty cold in New York in the wintertime so having this is a good feature. I think probably the instruments are what become the most dear because you spend so much time whether it's writing music or here on the road carrying your guitar. As they usually say here on Cribs, this is where all the magic happens.
ISAAC: Obviously a very, very valuable piece.
ZAC: We'll play a concert for you. (Isaac sits at piano and plays "More Than Anything.")
ISAAC: That's all.
ZAC: Behind you we move into the dining room. This is probably my favorite feature in here because it's an 18th century French dining table. The candelabra above you is very beautiful. You gotta watch for falling wax.
ISAAC: Ladies and gentlemen, the FCC will not let you see this (covers up nude woman in painting).
ZAC: But it's a naked woman.
ISAAC: Anyway, we will continue on into the bedroom area. This is actually the biggest TV in the house, obviously in the master bedroom, which is hot.
ZAC: This your bed?
ISAAC: Yes, that is where I sleep. Another very important area: the desk, which is where I do a lot of work.
ZAC: Ike does a lot of… whether it's the website or art things for t-shirts and some of the album work…
ISAAC: Artwork, like single cover and things like that. And this is where I wound run (points to Zac on treadmill).
ISAAC: We like to keep in shape by eating Krispy Kreme's, White Castle, and then running very fast for short periods of time.
ISAAC: Fast and Furious. You gotta remember that kids.
ZAC: Just like the movie.
ISAAC: Stay in shape. All right, so we're going to roll on to the master bath. Lovely size. It's a good size for a master bathroom.
ZAC: He keeps emphasizing that master thing.
ISAAC: Yeah exactly, cos I am the master.
ZAC: One feature in this particular bathroom is the open shower. It's a nice open feeling but it gets you clean!
ISAAC: This is a bathtub/slash/Jacuzzi. It's hot. And it's actually kind of deep too.
ZAC: Which is a nice feature.
ISAAC: Yeah, and it's big. No matter what they tell you, size is important. So we're going to move on to the clothing… this is actually a suit I wore on the "Penny & Me" video, which just got finished for the new record. This was from the Underneath album photo shoot. All right, and last but not least are shoes. You gotta have comfortable shoes when you're living in New York because you do a lot of walking.
ZAC: Or running to the subway.
ISAAC: Or running to the subway, very, very good.
ZAC: I guess we can run this way and we'll end up bringing you to the kitchen. This is probably the most used room in the whole apartment because the food is here, food is important. Having a good stove is probably the key to eating well. Big oven for cooking pot roasts. Gotta have good stuff in the fridge. Biscuits.
ISAAC: This is like, classic right here, all the Dr Pepper. There's a whole shelf of that stuff. You gotta have some creamy tiramisu, which has been slightly eaten. Whoops. We'll put that back.
ZAC: So that's pretty much the kitchen. (doorbell rings). That would be the door.
TAYLOR: Hey guys. What's up? You guys giving the grand tour?
ZAC: Taylor. Cribs.
ZAC: So, we're going into my bedroom. It's the center of the house, it's the warmest room of the house, literally, and I sort of think figuratively. These are custom built bookshelves, just a nice feeling to have a lot of books, a lot of, I guess, knowledge at your fingertips. Bed. Beds are always important. Nice down comforter.
TAYLOR: You what's also great about this whole place is you've got all the light that comes through.
ZAC: This is the peephole, so it lets… so if you were on the roof you could see what I was doing when I slept. Well, that's the crib! Well, I think that's pretty much it.
TAYLOR: Think you guys have covered all the bases, seen the whole thing?
ISAAC: You've seen pretty much the whole crib.
TAYLOR: Thanks for coming to check it out guys. We'll see you next time, maybe.
ISAAC: Maybe you'll see his crib.
TAYLOR: Maybe my crib.
ZAC: Um… get out of my crib!
ISAAC: Wait a second… it's glass. Oh, man...