Los Angeles, California
26 April 2004SAM RUBIN: Joined by Hanson! It is Zac and Isaac and Taylor. Welcome guys. Nice to see you. The last time you were here, let me refer to a little tape of this mania with you know quote unquote, young fans. And They were lined up at our gate with signs, "they're here, they're here!" When all that was going on, in the center of that kind of storm, what was that like?
ISAAC: Well, it's always crazy.
TAYLOR: You know, what's amazing about it is that, obviously coming out with the first record and all the sudden selling millions of records and having fans all over the world overnight is amazing but what's the most incredible thing about it is just seeing them grow and see them be there now.
ISAAC: Seven years they're still around.
TAYLOR: Four years ago was the last album, seven years from the first album and to see them with that kind of enthusiasm, they're in completely different times in their life but they're still amazingly enthusiastic… we have amazing fans.
SAM: Your album is called Underneath, just for the two or three of you who are not familiar, there are the girls that are lined up [cuts to tape from 1998-ish] and they're all lined up cos this is one of the songs they absolutely love. Listen. [cuts to "MMMBop" from Chicago HOB]. You guys tired of hearing it or do you have a fondness for it or what?
ISAAC: We actually enjoy it because particularly on that acoustic tour, which you're seeing clips from…
ZAC: This is from last year.
ISAAC: Last year when we did it acoustic tour around the US we closed it in Carnegie Hall, which was amazing, but particularly on that tour we actually changed it up. I have a little loop pedal, which I can record a little beat boxy thing that I can do on my guitar.
TAYLOR: Just having a lot of fun with it.
ISAAC: break it up, change it up, whatever.
TAYLOR: People are like, "MMMBop? You've been playing this for a long time," a lot of people talked about it, "are you tired of it?" but we're like… we're proud of the successes we've had and if you're not proud of it, then why are you putting it on a record?
ZAC: Well one of the things that we do is we change up the show whenever we come out, whenever you come out to a Hanson concert you're gonna see something different because it's just a musical experience.
SAM: Well, you're going to hear a musical experience live in just a second. Before you do, check out the new music video from Hanson. [cuts to "Penny & Me"] All right, now you're doing something that I guess a few other artists are doing as well-not bypassing record companies-but going direct to the fans to get this music out.
TAYLOR: Yeah, we just started an independent label called 3CG Records, which we're releasing this new album Underneath on…
ISAAC: Which has released.
TAYLOR: Oh yeah, actually it has released, last week it came out. Well, it'll be a week tomorrow. The first week. But it's just an amazing thing. We've always been really into… being honest and being musicians is the #1 thing and starting a record company really lets us get closer to our fans and think about the 20 and the 40 plan.
ZAC: Take the industry out of the music industry.
TAYLOR: Yeah, it's sort of like...
SAM: By the way, when you're on the 20 year plan, he'll be 38! I'm gonna put you on the spot, let's hear you sing. You have to sing for Leno tonight or tomorrow?
TAYLOR>: Yeah, we're gonna be on Leno tonight singing the song electric but we'll sing a little bit.
ALL [chorus of "Penny & Me"]
TAYLOR: Very good you guys!
ISAAC: That's 12 years of practice.
SAM: And you two brothers are rooming together in New York and you are living with your wife and baby not too far away.
TAYLOR: I'm married, I have a 17 month old. We were just talking about that earlier.
SAM: Yeah! Absolutely. Wow.
TAYLOR: It's an awesome, awesome thing, yeah.
typed up by Heidi (me)
video © ktla.complease do not reproduce or repost without permission.