Kyle & Jackie O Show
Sydney, Australia
16 February 2005

KYLE: Hanson, remember them? Huge in this country. I remember going under, the Sydney Harbor with like, a whole ferry of screaming teenaged girls. I was in my element. It had nothing to do with me though; it was all about the Hanson's.

JACKIE O: That's right, and they're coming back to the country for a tour and we thought, "let's get Taylor Hanson on the phone to confirm this!"

KYLE: That's right. He wasn't in the country, he wasn't even in America. Apparently he's in Spain. So we've got him on the phone now to say, "hello, senor, what are you doing over there?" Here he is.

JACKIE O: Hey Taylor!


KYLE: Ooh, that didn't sound nearly as authentic as mine. Now I've seen on the news over there some big gigantic high rise burning down. That wasn't your hotel was it?

TAYLOR: Well, we like to leave a trail wherever we go. To prove that we were there.

KYLE: How are you doing? How are you guys going? I'm looking forward to you coming back to this country.

TAYLOR: Yeah, you know, we had a great time being there at the end of last year, for the first time in, gosh, I guess 5 years. And we did an acoustic show, which was amazing, and yeah, we're coming back in just a couple months to play on a full electric show and do something we should have done a long time ago, which is play several shows across Australia.

KYLE: Yeah, you guys are in Brisbane, on the Gold Coast, the Evan Theater in Penrith, Enmore Theater in Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne. We'll put all the details on our website, Hey! Hey! I've read on the internet that it says your wife's pregnant again. Is this true?

TAYLOR: You know what? That's not for me to announce to the whole world.

KYLE: Ahhh!

JACKIE O: Ahh! She must be!

KYLE: Now you're only 21 years old, how are you at this stage?

TAYLOR: You know, it's a crazy thing. I guess I've always done everything on my own time and I'm a lucky man, really. I've got a 2-year-old son and it's a crazy life. You know, we've bounced all over the world since we were last in Australia. We've been all over Europe, Asia, we'll be in Latin America.

KYLE: Well who's looking after the baby?!

TAYLOR: Well he's on his own, actually, he moved out. He lives in an apartment in downtown New York.

JACKIE O: The Hanson family mature very quickly. Do you want to have a big family?

TAYLOR: I guess that's up to my wife, really.

JACKIE O: Oh, okay…

TAYLOR: I think it's important to consult her. She has to actually, you know, birth the children, so.

JACKIE O: That's right, I know.

TAYLOR: I think I better step back from that.

KYLE: Yeah, but you've got to stir the porridge before they pour it out.

TAYLOR: Heey! How much can we say on radio?

KYLE: Well, as much as you want! *laughs* You know what I think about you, though? You are obviously a man who is controlled by his wife. You are very similar to me. Like you're living your dreams, you're out there doing your thing, but when you get home you're having to mop the floor and stuff like I am aren't you?

TAYLOR: Well you know what? Any smart man knows that she rules the world and you have to bow down.

KYLE: Why is that?!

JACKIE O: Oooh, that's nice. Because that's the way we like it!

KYLE: But how has that happened is what I want to know.

TAYLOR: Well no matter what, you're always the one that sleeps on the couch.

JACKIE O: That's true, isn't it?

KYLE: But how did we get from cavemen dragging chicks back to our cave to be sweeping the floor under the watchful eye of our loved one, girlfriend, or wives?

JACKIE O: Oh, we've manipulated you.

TAYLOR: The cycle is, we let them believe they're in control, which actually makes us in control.

JACKIE O: Ooh yeah, that's what you say. Just to make yourselves feel better.

KYLE: Now how are the other boys? Cos we remember there's Isaac and there's Taylor, who we're talking to now, who's like, obviously the best looking one…

TAYLOR: Ooh god. Well, coming from you I don't know how to take that.

JACKIE O: I know. And then of course there's Zac. Now how's little Zac going? Well he's not so little anymore we know.

KYLE: Oh, he's lost his cuteness. He's now out there on the scene isn't he?

TAYLOR: Yeah, well, he's almost 20 years old, so… he's not little Zac, in fact, I kind of think he could take you on in a little arm wrestling.

JACKIE O: Yeah, he's grown up very quickly.

KYLE: Actually the last time you guys were here you were in the studio with us and Zac, he looked to me like he's a trouble maker. He's out to party, he's out there enjoying himself…

TAYLOR: Well, the drummer's the madman I guess.

KYLE: That's always true, isn't it?

JACKIE O: Livin' it up.

KYLE: My you guys have changed over the years and it's so good to see you still around. You got your own record label, you're in charge of your own business, your own empire, you're married, you've got baby, you've got another on the way which you've dropped us an exclusive on the show. I can't believe it. I'm just so thrilled.

TAYLOR: You're totally bullshitting everyone.

KYLE: I'm just so thrilled you've stuck it in there, becuase a lot of people come and go and you guys have stuck around!

TAYLOR: You know what, again, it's just that we've always loved what we do, we love to get to play music. And as long as we have fans that want to hear the music we'll keep doing it.

KYLE: Now I've gone one weird question to ask. Have you or any of your brothers ever had relations with any Asian ladies?

TAYLOR: Well, define "relations."

KYLE: Groupie sex after the show.

JACKIE O: God, you're inappropriate Kyle!

KYLE: I'm just wondering because…

JACKIE O: Not everybody talks like you do!

KYLE: I find Asian ladies very attractive, and I was just wondering if you guys think the same thing.

TAYLOR: You know what? I'm about to completely incriminate myself if I say anything beyond this point.

JACKIE O: I know! He does have a wife!

TAYLOR: Put it this way: I've been around the world and I definitely think there's attractive girls in every country I've been in, so it just depends on where you're looking.

JACKIE O: That's the right answer!

KYLE: He's had sex all over the world this guy, all over the world!

JACKIE O: Don't put words into his mouth! He never even said that Kyle. Look, we can't wait for you guys to come back to the country. It's always good to see you and we've known you since you were little and it's great to see you grow up and still have the same base that you do, the fans still love you and follow you everywhere.

KYLE: Now they remember us when we were young too and now what are we?

JACKIE O: Yeah, we're old too.

KYLE: A couple of old folks.

TAYLOR: Now you're having affairs with Asian women…

KYLE: See, and they say things change down here when you get old. Not true! Not true at all! Taylor from Hanson, thanks, say "G'Day" to the other fellows for us. We cannot wait to see you guys here. Evan Theater, Penrith, Friday May the 27th and the 28th Enmore Theater in the guts of Sydney. It was nice to talk to you; we'll see you at those shows.

TAYLOR: Thanks very much. We'll bring you down and you can sit in and pretend to be a rock star.

KYLE: Okay! A couple of extra seats in case I bring some Asian lady dates!

TAYLOR: Of course.

KYLE: See you there!

JACKIE O: Bye Taylor.

TAYLOR: Bye guys!

[typed up by THD]