Nova 96.9
Sydney, Australia
18 November 2004

RABBIT: If this wasn't one of the most interesting interviews ever. Mr Steve, who nearly got thrown through a window one minute into the interview.

MR STEVE: The three boys wanted to take me one on one and just throw me through the window.

RABBIT: I think one of them wanted to take me one on one a little differently…

MR STEVE: I know, all sorts of weird…

RABBIT: We talk R Kelly and Michael Jackson and all sorts of weirdness coming up in this interview. But we start with this little bit here with Hanson, hello.

ALL: Hello.

TAYLOR: How's it going?

RABBIT: Good to be back?

ZAC: Being back in Australia after four years of not having a record out, of not touring, feels really good.

TAYLOR: In a few months we're coming back to actually do a full tour.

RABBIT: We don't mind you doing, like, the short shows. It's very Australian.

TAYLOR: Is it very? Really? Lot of excitement and not much after the build up?

RABBIT: Well, you guys just like coming out here now so Zac can go drinking, don't ya?

ZAC: Well, I can go drinking in a lot of European countries too.

RABBIT: You've changed, Zac.

ZAC: If this was the 1980s I could drink in America also.

ISAAC: Or, for that matter, if you were in high school. Last time I checked, everyone in high school can get a hold of pretty much everything.

RABBIT: Dole out the Gold Coast. Oh that's alright, I just have to check my notes here, is this Hanson we've got in here?

MR STEVE: You guys look really different though, than you do on that TV show Dancing With Stars.

TAYLOR: Oooh, oooh, fist to cuffs man, we're taking you to-see that window right there? You're going through it.

ZAC: And it's triple paned.


RABBIT: So Steve was just talking to Hanson about them being on Dancing With The Stars. Did you even get what he was saying there, Dancing With The Stars?

ZAC: No, no idea. You know… it sounds offensive.

RABBIT: No, it's not.

MR STEVE: Well, it kind of is. We have a lady out here who's a politician and they have a show Dancing With Stars, where celebrities get together and ballroom dance and her name is Pauline Hanson, so…

ISAAC: Yeah, we heard about that about seven years ago.

RABBIT: Well she's still going!

ISAAC: Yeah, exactly. We heard that she's very--

ZAC: You know the other strange thing about us on that show versus us on the radio and in person? When we're on the show we're one person, and we're a woman. When we play music, we're three men. It's incredible.

MR STEVE: It's crazy.

ISAAC: It's kind of complicated.

TAYLOR: Surgery in the…

RABBIT: Things you do to get yourselves on TV! Your new record label is 3CG, yeah?

ZAC: Yes, 3CG, which stands for Three Car Garage. You know, we're a garage band and that's how we started, just playing in our garage…

TAYLOR: Just like most bands, just playing wherever you can.

MR STEVE: And just means a garage.

ISAAC: Garage, garage.

TAYLOR: "Gar-aghe" just makes it sound like--

ZAC: It sounds like Garrison or something.

RABBIT: It sounds like a garage, that's what I know it as. What are you saying? Cos I'm not even from Australia, what are you saying Steve, have I got it wrong again?

MR STEVE: It's a shed!

RABBIT: You're a shed band!

ZAC: We're a hut band! I don't know what it's called, but it's where I put my yoot (?).


RABBIT: Taylor, how is it being a dad?

TAYLOR: It's really good.

RABBIT: And a child?


RABBIT: On tour with you?

TAYLOR: Not now, but they had been touring with us when we were in the States. It's definitely a hard, tiring thing to be on the road, especially with a two year old.

RABBIT: And we bet you put your kids into quarantine when you bring them to this country.

MR STEVE: Don't muck with it.

TAYLOR: They don't let them in.

MR STEVE: We've actually got Steve Irwin in the airport, did you see him there? He stops people from bringing in babies.

RABBIT: You know that kid, that wasn't even his, it was some American that brought a baby into this country and…

ZAC: And oh, I'll show you what happens when you bring a baby into this country!

ISAAC: He made the Michael Jackson thing look like nothing. It's a little bit different.

ZAC: At least he wasn't suffocating the kid with a diaper over his face at the same time.

TAYLOR: And he knows whether he's a man or a woman.

ZAC: And black or white.

ISAAC: *sings* "it doesn't matter if you're black or white!" He wrote that song for a reason.

ZAC: And he doesn't think he's a figure in a fiction book written for children. *pause* Peter Pan.

RABBIT: That was a blank look you just caught.

ZAC: I guess I know a little more about Michael Jackson than the others.

MR STEVE: Can I just get straight to the next question then? Did you share the bed with him when you stayed there?

TAYLOR: He was looking for the wet spot where you were sleeping.

RABBIT: What are you doing?! You guys have changed, man!

MR STEVE: Next when Hanson comes to Australia you'll be touring with R Kelly, won't ya? (laughs)


RABBIT: Let's wrap things up with Hanson. We were just talking about R Kelly just before.

ISAAC: Actually, I heard a bunch of stories about him before that whole thing went down. Like we had a security guard who worked for us who went to an R Kelly show and was like, "dude, I took my daughter and she was like, 12 and we were in the third row and all the sudden he's like, 'baby giiirl, uh huh' and WHOP-BOOM! His whole pants just fell to his ankles." He's like, "yeaah!" and starts humping the air and crap.

RABBIT: Did he really make that noise as well, when he dropped---"WHOP-BOOM!"

ZAC: I believe the actual sound is, "shwing!"

RABBIT: That's a little high pitched. I'd much rather go with WHOP-BOOM!

ZAC: I want to note that I don't think we've referenced anything musical at all.

TAYLOR: You guys pumping something in the air in here?

ISAAC: It's laughing gas or something, I don't know. Whatever it is, it's hot and I want more of it!

RABBIT: Well, it's been good fun, Hanson, thanks very much.

ISAAC: Back at ya.